November 2020

Leaders, do you see what lies beneath the sea? “She’s not doing what I asked her to do.” “He’s not listening to me.” “They don’t respect me.” These are assumptions based on the behaviours you see. Like the iceberg, you see what’s visible to the eye. But, our behaviours are a consequence of our thoughts, how we process the world, how we feel about people and things, and the baggage we carry. Invisible to the eye. Below the sea. They drive the iceberg. If you want to understand and change behaviour, take the plunge....

How often do you take the time to check in with your team? I don’t mean checking in on their work and deliverables; I mean asking how they’re doing and feeling.  “How are you feeling after the changes we made on the project management?” “What support do you need to succeed in what you are doing?” “I noticed you seem different today. Is everything okay with you?” In his brilliant speech on Empathy, Simon Sinek notes the difference between managers and leaders. A manager takes care of the day-to-day and people’s output. A leader...

A Dutch teenager had a dream to clean up the world's oceans.  A Japanese doctor shook and inspired his troubled company to become leaders in global health issues. A stressed executive inspired her company to implement mindfulness at work programs. Being passionate about a cause is like having a ? burning inside you. You feel compelled to create awareness and the courage to create change. Communicating with your words and actions, carving out solutions, and creating meaningful movement becomes your mission.  Your flame will not and cannot be extinguished. Quite the contrary. When you use...

You’ve low on energy. You’re feeling a sense of despair. You can’t see there’s light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve hit rock bottom, and now it’s so much more difficult to explore possibilities, seek alternatives and have hope. Deceptively simple rituals can help you regularly replenish your energy to strengthen your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resilience. Rituals to help you sleep better, diffuse negative emotions and prioritise tasks, for example. Sometimes you need more. Feelings of overwhelmedness, irritability and low tolerance, insomnia and signs of depression – these are...